news / reviews / past projects

Daver Morrison as Troy Maxson
'FENCES' -- Gloucester Stage Company
2015 IRNE Award Winner - Best Actor - Daver Morrison
A Raw, Relevant 'FENCES' at Gloucester Stage ( Click for Full Article )
" Daver Morrison is charismatic and commanding
as a former Negro League baseball star... "
" Morrison’s Troy is by turns likable and intimidating, seductive and repellent.
He is spot-on. "
-- Jeremey Goodwin, THE BOSTON GLOBE
" Daver Morrison is heroic, compelling, and fierce as Troy..."
--- Joyce Kulhawik (Joyce's Choices)

A Soldier’s Play
2014 IRNE Award Winner -- Best Actor - Daver Morrison
and Best Ensemble
"Morrison gives a powerful performance as the cool captain who never loses his head..."
Beverly Creasey -- Boston Arts Review
"Daver Morrison plays the Mr. Tibbs-like Captain Davenport with aplomb."
Kay Bourne -- EDGE, Boston
"Black history buffs will thrill to Roxbury Repertory Theater’s edge-of-the-seat dramatization of Charles Fuller’s "A Soldier’s Play." Like a time machine, the perfectly calibrated production shoots you back to 1944 at the U.S. Army’s Fort Neal situated outside a small Louisiana town in the Jim Crow South.
Daver Morrison (Captain Davenport)
'A Soldier's Play'

“The Whipping Man”
- Clarence Brown Theatre
Reconstruction: Clarence Brown Unleashes 'The Whipping Man'
By George Logan
"... Simon is played with authoritarian gravitas by Daver Morrison.."
" This production could hardly be better. More than some other
productions, this play points out the prevailing urgency of live
drama over cinema. You start thinking American audiences are
unshockable. But several times, at the Carousel, arranged for this
production in an intimate semicircle, I heard gasps, as if audience
members believed, if only for a second, that what they were witnessing
was real, and now. It’s so perfectly presented that I suspect a large
majority of each audience wouldn’t mind seeing it again the next night."
Daver Morrison (Simon), Steve Sherman (Caleb), Tramell Tillman (John)
Clarence Brown Theatre’s "The Whipping Man”

“ …with Morrison’s superb portrayal, the tale becomes
deeply moving.
…elevated by an exceptional portrait of Othello.”
-- Justin Shaltz
Daver Morrison (Othello), Amanda Catania (Desdemona)
-- ILLinois Shakespeare Festival

Othello Trailer
from Portland Center Stage
April 5 — May 11, 2014
On the Main Stage
Directed by Chris Coleman
Set in 17th century Venice, this is Shakespeare’s profound tragedy of the power of love and jealousy.